1 – Instructions

Registration deadline / Start of hall planning: No.10/1 – 64 Alley – Youssef Abad St – Tehran – Iran
Tel.: +9821-88054364-5
Fax: +9821-88054363
1.  After studying conditions and regulations, and indicating your acceptance, Complete the form in 5 steps (stand, product groups, contact, further information).
2. Press button “Conclude registration now and create form for printing”. Your details will be transferred to the application form.
Please note: Your details will be transferred to the official application form. You do not have to print out any of the intermediate steps.

1) * We agree to the Conditions of Participation (PDF, 205 kB). Please find here free software for viewing and printing the application form (PDF file) – Acrobat Reader™.
1) * Yes, I have read the privacy policy.
1) * I am aware that the application form must be sent to Iran Health before the application can be processed (post or fax).
